Is there anything more relaxing than a head massage? Hardly! But head massages offer much more than stress relief and pure relaxation. According to reports, they even support hair growth. In the following, we will clarify whether this is actually the case and how you can perform a head massage on yourself.
What is a head massage anyway?
Head massages actually work like any other massage, only this one is done a bit more gently and without oil. In addition, only the fingertips are used. Meanwhile, there are even many masseuses that can exactly imitate a head massage.
Why is a head massage so important?
A head massage can help reduce stress, relieve tension and even help with headaches. But equally, it promotes blood circulation throughout the body. And according to reports, this can be the reason that the hair follicles are better supplied with blood and nutrients. Which in turn results in hair growth being stimulated, thus supporting and strengthening the hair roots. Studies show that through regular head massages, the cells of the hair follicles are stretched which then lead to thicker hair. In this way, hair loss could also be reduced. The number of such studies is still limited but we still find it promising.
How can I perform a scalp massage myself?
Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to regularly go to a massage therapist. But this is not a problem at all, because you can easily perform a head massage yourself.
Use your fingertips, apply light to medium pressure to your scalp and make small circular movements. Take about 5 minutes to do this. You can also do this several times a day. A little tip: It fits best when washing your hair, while you are already waiting for your hair mask to take effect anyway.
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