Again and again we hear from various magazine articles the terms collagen, gelatin and collagen hydrolysate, which are supposed to have a positive health effect. But what exactly are these terms and can they be used as synonyms, or is there a difference?
Collagen is a protein produced by the body that serves as one of the main building blocks for bones, skin, hair, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It actually makes up 25-35% of the body's total protein content. A collagen deficiency can be the reason for increased wrinkles to joint pain as we age. Because collagen is said to have a skin-rejuvenating effect, it is also a popular ingredient in dietary supplements and beauty products.
Gelatine, on the other hand, is a mixture of substances made from animal proteins. Gelatin consists of the connective tissue mainly of pigs and cattle, and its main component is a denatured and hydrolyzed collagen. In short, this means that gelatin is nothing more than cooked collagen.
Collagen hydrolysate is obtained from collagen and belongs to the group of foodstuffs according to food law. Collagen is an extracellular structural protein, which is particularly responsible for the strength and flexibility of connective tissue. Unlike gelatin, collagen hydrolysate is an enzymatically hydrolyzed collagen that is water soluble. Collagen hydrolysate is used in cosmetics especially in the form of creams, masks as well as also serums, however here the largest part of this collagen remains on the surface of the skin. There it binds moisture and makes the skin look temporarily younger, but only a fraction of the collagen can penetrate the skin. The greater anti-aging effect can be achieved by taking collagen supplements, because this allows the active ingredient to penetrate your body and boost the body's own collagen formation in the tissue.
Bears with Benefits: Bootylicious Shape Vitamins and Born This Way Youth Vitamins contain highly effective, patented VERISOL® collagen peptides. According to studies, these lead to an effective reduction of cellulite and contribute to a firmer and smoother appearing skin texture.