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Skin care - Why it is so important

Why is skin care so important for my health? What nutrients do I need for my skin and what type of care is best for which skin type? Find out the answers here!

Nutrients for healthy and beautiful skin

Vitamin A, also called retinol, is known as an anti-ageing boost. It tightens the skin, has an antioxidant effect and contributes to the formation of collagen and keratin. Collagen, in turn, is essential for the skin's resilience and elasticity. Vitamin C, on the other hand, not only ensures radiant skin, but also has an antioxidant effect and protects the skin from free radicals. Vitamin B12 is important for cell division and cell differentiation. In relation to our skin, however, a partially negative effect of vitamin B12 could be determined. Studies showed an acne-promoting effect of vitamin B12. It should be added that this finding only referred to high-dose vitamin B12 therapies.

Why is skin care so important?

Our skin is our largest organ, so it protects us from any environmental influences and even diseases. It also regulates important bodily functions such as sweating.
We shouldn't forget that our skin is an extremely important sensory organ that perceives temperatures, pressure and even pain. So, it is understandable that skin care is important not only because of anti-ageing issues. Skin care is also essential for our overall health.

The perfect skin care routine

Cleanser: The be-all and end-all of beautiful, well-groomed skin is definitely cleansing. So you should clean your face in the morning and evening from dirt and make-up residues.

Toner: Helps to balance the pH value of your skin.

Serum with hyaluronic acid: To supply your skin with sufficient fluid, you should also use hyaluronic acid.

Serum with vitamin C: Vitamin C not only makes your skin radiant but also has an antioxidant effect and protects against free radicals.

Serum with ceramides: Like hyaluronic acid, ceramides are natural components of our skin, protecting it from environmental influences and maintaining the skin's protective barrier.

Moisturiser: To provide your skin with sufficient moisture, you should definitely apply a moisturiser, especially if you tend to have dry skin!

Sun protection: Last but definitely not least: sun protection! So that healthy skin also remains healthy. Tip: The SPF should be at least 30.

Why does our skin age?

First of all, it should be mentioned that skin ageing isn't just genetically predetermined. That means that you can slow down your skin ageing through a healthy lifestyle and mindfulness. Roughly speaking, the reason why the skin ages is related to the fact that with age, the body's own production of elastin, hyaluron and collagen decreases. As a result, the skin appears less plumped, loses its elasticity and retains less moisture. Supplementing collagen and hyaluronic acid can help fill this deficit. Try our You Glow, Girl Skin, Bootylicious Shape or Born This Way Youth vitamins now.

Apple cider vinegar and hemp oil for the skin?

To achieve great results for your skin, you don't necessarily have to drink apple cider vinegar. Because also by the external application, many benefits result. Apple cider vinegar has a clarifying effect due to its high acid content and helps with oilyacne-prone or pimple-prone skin. In addition, it provides a refined skin texture. You can simply use it diluted with water as a toner.

Due to its many fatty acids, hemp oil helps maintain the skin's protective barrier. Thus, it is always protected from environmental influences and bacteria. Therefore, hemp oil can also help with inflammation and skin diseases such as acne or neurodermatitis.

FAQS about skin care

FAQS about skin care



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